1·Energym Fitness, Enjoy Fitness, Enjoy health, Enjoy life!
2·Only the strongest bodies can live and enjoy health, under an unwholesome regimen .
3·The vast majority of workers enjoy health insurance today through employer-provided schemes.
4·So that people can be in a tight fast-paced city life and fashion to find the fulcrum of health and balance, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, return to nature, to enjoy health.
5·I encourage all who enjoy good health to share with others, either as a living donor or by appointing organ donation upon death.
6·People exercise regularly can still enjoy good health in their later years.
7·Enjoy your health and your life.
8·It is very important for your health that you enjoy your work and it has meaning for you.
9·Just keep your end goal in mind - better health, fitness, and happiness - and find ways to enjoy your workout.
10·The reforms aim to give patients greater freedom over where they can enjoy subsidised health care, but for now many can do so only in their places of official residence.
医改的目的是给患者更大的自由,以享受有补贴的医疗保健。 但是现在多数只能在家乡得到这样的治疗。